Contacting the ISS Help Desk

If you cannot find the answers to your questions here on the Technology Guide/web page or in the FAQs section, please try the following ways to contact us:
  • Physical location: The ISS Help Desk is located in room 30 in the basement of the Library Building.
  • Email: The ISS Help Desk can be contacted through e-mail at
  • Phone: The ISS Help Desk can be reached at (513) 244-HELP (4357)
  • After our open hours of operation or when it is more convenient, please complete and submit an online ISS Help Desk Service Request Form outlining your needs. The online ISS Help Desk Service Request forms get forwarded directly to the ISS Help Desk email account which is monitored hourly when the ISS Help Desk is open.

ISS Help Desk Hours

We are open for walk-in, telephone and email inquiries on the following days and times.

S225 Hours

  • Monday - Thursday: 7:30 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Friday - Saturday: 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed

The Help Desk follows the University Holiday Schedule & closings. However, we monitor on days the Help Desk is closed and will respond to emergency situation only. All other inquiries will be handled on our next business day. Please contact us by email ( or by phone 513-244-HELP(4357).