If you need your Mount network/Blackboard password or Mount email password reset, please use the
forgot password option in myMount. It will allow you to reset your password for Blackboard, myMount and email all at the same time. If you do not have an alternate email address on file or do not remember what it is or the answers to your challenge questions, your can
contact the ISS Help Desk when they are open for assistance.
When the ISS Help Desk is open, call or walk in to the Help Desk located in room 30 in the basement of the Library Building. (513-244-4357)
If the Help Desk is closed and you are having technical problems, please check the Help Desk voice mail message for the current system status before proceeding any further.
When recording a voice mail message or sending an email message, please be sure to leave your name (spell your last name and or your email address on a voice mail message) and a phone number where you can be reached.
Mount ISS Help Desk support staff will periodically check messages and someone will respond to your inquiry either:
- by phone if you originally contacted us by phone
- or by email if you originally contacted us by email or by our web-based support request
- or by the method you specified in your message