How do I Access Blackboard Learn?

Go to You may want to save this as a favorite on your browser.
Log in with the same user name and password you use to access your Mount email account

What Web Browser Can I use to access Blackboard Learn?

BlackBoard Corporation maintains an Official BlackBoard Help Site web page that displays the current versions of Internet browsers and operating systems that works with the version of Blackboard Learn that we are running the best.  If you are having problems access Blackboard, check your browser choice and your Computer OS against the handout (listed below) to insure that you are using a "best" browser match with your computer operating system.

If I am using a "not supported" browser verison shown in the Blackboard link above, how do I remove it?

 If you have viewed the correct browsers that work with BlackBaord and you have a too new version, see the appropriate handouts listed below to review and install the correct supported browser.