What is it?
The Mount ID card is the all-in-one card that makes being on campus safer and more convenient for all students. It includes your Mount ID number, meal service plan, library account number and is also your "key" to accessing certain areas of campus via card swipe. The Mount's library requires use of the Mount ID card for a number of different services (checking out materials, Interlibrary Loan and OhioLINK requests, accessing MSJ Library databases from off campus).
Where do I get my Mount ID card?
Students, faculty, and staff can visit of Campus Police on the ground floor of Seton Center to get their Mount ID card. Online students can request one via the online request form provided for online students.
How do I enroll in a meal service plan?
Your Mount ID card is your meal service card, both in the Fifth Third Dining Hall and in the Harrington Center Food Court. Students must have their Mount ID card to use their meal plan. No exceptions!
Dorm students will be signed up for meal plans through the Office of Residence Life. Commuter meal plans are designed primarily for commuter students who do not live in the residence halls but would still like to dine on-campus and for faculty and staff who would like to enjoy meals in the Dining Hall or in the Food Court. Flex dollars can also be purchased for a la carte purchases in the Food Court or in the Mocha Joe Cafe. AVI Foodsystems needs to be contacted directly to set up commuter/faculty meal plans. View the meal plan options.
How do I get access to areas of campus that require me to swipe my card?
Your access will be automatically granted based on your course registration or employee status.