Message from the Registrar

Contact us:


Phone: 513-244-4621

FAX: 513-244-4201

Location: Conlan Center, Administration Building

Hours: 8:30AM to 4:30PM, Monday through Friday

The mission of the Registrar’s Office is to ensure timely and accurate delivery of services that empower students, faculty, and administrators to achieve their academic and institutional objectives.  We are dedicated to continuously enhancing our services by leveraging technology and utilizing best practices. We prioritize maintaining the integrity, confidentiality, and security of all academic records while supporting the best interests of our students and broader University community. 

Services provided by the Registrar's Office

Unless noted otherwise, all inquiries can be sent to All contact and forms must be sent from your MSJ email account.

Office Directory

Registrar's Office (For all transcript questions, degree and enrollment verifications)
Phone: 513-244-4621
Dan Harris
Assistant Registrar
Phone: 513-244-4297
Natalie Harlow
Phone: 513.244.4621
Ginny Taylor
Phone: 513-244-4432
Don Thomason
Associate Registrar for Transfer Credit and NCAA Eligibility
Phone: 513-244-4622

Graduation Application Information

April 15 - Deadline to file degree application for December graduation.
September 15 - Deadline to file a degree application for May graduation.
November 15 - Deadline to file a degree application for August graduation.

Transcript Requests

Transfer Policies

Other Information

Academic Calendars

Title Description File type

Revised S423 start date; S423 holidays added



Start date for S4 corrected to 5/13/2024.  S424 holidays added 2/6/2023. Dates subject to change.


Calendar revised 4/18/2024 to include July 4, 2025 holiday


Revised as of 1.3.2025 to include Christmas/New Year's 2025 holidays


Revised as of 4.22.2024 to include July Fourth holiday


Dates to Know (For archived dates prior to this semester, contact

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uploaded 4/18/2024 Tuition Reduction Schedule updated


Uploaded 7/29/2024


Uploaded 1/22/2025


Exam Schedules

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Student Forms & Documents

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Rev 03/25/2024. Fillable PDF add/drop form. Must be returned for processing to


Updated form 10.6.22; fillable PDF


Students: For info on GC3, see GC3's video showing how to complete the cross-registration form.

For Acadeum information, email


Fillable PDF. Form updated 10/12/2023.


Fillable PDF. Revised 4/28/23 with new payment option.


Undergraduate ONLY form. Student must return fully signed form to Registrar's Office.


"I" grades convert to "F" grades on the following schedule:

  • Fall semester "I" grades change to "F": Last day of spring semester.
  • Spring semester "I" grades change to "F": Last day of the 3rd week of fall semester.
  • Summer session "I" grades change to "F": Last day of fall semester.

Graduate ONLY form. Student must returned fully signed form to Registrar's Office.


"I" grades convert to "F" grades on the following schedule:

  • Fall semester "I" grades change to "F": Last day of spring semester.
  • Spring semester "I" grades change to "F": Last day of the 3rd week of fall semester.
  • Summer session "I" grades change to "F": Last day of fall semester.

Fillable PDF new 11/21/2022


Fillable PDF, Revised 3/20/2024


For students receiving ONLY a certificate and not a degree.


Fillable PDF. Form updated 11/29/2023.


Revised 1/9/2023. Fillable PDF


BA and BS core curriculum requirements



Title Description File type

New form includes options for academic and financial records. Return to Registrar Office or Student Administrative Services (SAS) in Conlan Center. Or, email from MSJ student email


Return completed form to Registrar's Office


Faculty Instructions & Forms

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Updated to include instructions for denying application 8.24.22


Process and practice for using the Attendance Verification tool in MyMount


How to display a class list and change settings for them, including displaying photos, waitlisted students and grades (if you have the appropriate permissions).


Updated 9.9.2022


Fillable PDF. Updated 1/15/2025


updated 12/5/2024


Updated instructions
