Welcome to Peer Tutoring!
The Learning Center is a great resource that can make the difference in your level of success in your math and science courses. Peer tutors are available to help you with all 000- and 100-level science and math courses. Check our schedule for drop in hours (Fall and Spring semesters) and come to SET 156 to meet with a tutor covering your class. Come alone, come with a friend or two, or organize a whole study group. One of our assistants will be waiting to help you with whatever you need to be successful in your class, sharing his or her hard-earned knowledge, study skills and savvy.  We have appointments available - please complete the Peer Tutor Request form in myMount.
Contact Us: To schedule an appointment email learning.center@msj.edu or complete the Peer Tutor Request Form in MyMount.  Online scheduling is also available at https://msjlc.libcal.com/
Location:  The Learning Center (156 Seton Center)
Drop in hours for the semester are posted below.