About the Learning Center

The mission of the Learning Center is to provide a level of academic support that enhances the ability of every motivated student to succeed with their studies at Mount St. Joseph University.  The Learning Center services include writing assistance, peer tutoring, group study sessions, SSI, and academic strategies coaching.

To contact the Learning Center, email learning.center@msj.edu .

View our recent Highlights. January 2025


Hours & Location

The Learning Center is located on the first floor of Seton Center, Room 156.

Hours: Monday - Thursday - 8:30 am - 4:30 pm / Friday - 8:30 am - 4 pm.

When classes are in session - 8:00 am - 9:00 pm Monday - Thursday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm on Friday.  We are open 24/7 for quiet study and to use the private study rooms.

Tutoring and writing appointments can also be requested by completing one of our forms in MyMount:

*  Peer Tutor Request Form

*  Writing Assistance Request Form

Any questions regarding peer tutoring or writing assistance please email learning.center@msj.edu.


Academic Strategies Workshops 24-25

The Learning Center provides workshops and one-on-one appointments for students who would like to strengthen their study and planning skills. Join us for our upcoming workshops.


Level Up Your Organization Skills | Monday, February 3, 1pm

Learn Like a Pro Study Strategies | Monday, February 10, 1pm

Make Math Make Cents | Monday, February 17, 12pm





GC3 - Cross Registered Courses

Students who are taking a course through the GC3 Consortium, should check their syllabus for academic support.  GC3 recommends that a student with an accommodation plan, confirm that the services they need are available at the host school.

Email Etiquette Tips

Not sure how to email a professor correctly?  How about using email in a business setting? Attached please find very helpful tips and hints on how to do this the most professional way. Any questions - please reach out to the Learning Center for help!

Acadeum Courses

Students who are taking Acadeum courses are encouraged to contact their instructor to request tutoring and assistance with a course.  The Support Contact with Acadeum can also facilitate requests for support.  support@acadeum.com

Individual Study Skills Assistance

Individualized study skills assistance can help you gain a greater understanding of yourself and of the basic skills needed for success in the classroom. if you would like to take a Learning Styles Assessment, please contact the Director of The Learning Center. mary.brigham@msj.edu
Maybe all you need are tips on how to better manage your time, read more effectively, take good notes, or prepare for tests. Websites like howtostudy.org are good sources.
Visit this site to download GRE preparation software and other study materials.

Online Request Forms

You must be logged in to myMount to access the forms listed below.

Peer tutoring pairs students who are strong in a subject with students wanting to further develop their knowledge or skills in that subject, utilizing science-backed strategies. Peer tutors are provided training in student-centered learning approaches that support extended classroom learning and promote academic achievement. Contact the Learning Center if you need assistance or have questions. To request a peer tutor, please complete this form.

For test accommodation requests, please comply with the suggested time frames to help ensure that we can make all of the necessary arrangements for your test accommodations:

  • Test/Quiz - 5 school days advance notice preferred
  • Final Exams - 2 weeks advance notice preferred

Students arriving more than 15 minutes late to an exam will not be allowed additional time to compensate for tardiness. Student Accessibility Services will consult with the professor to proceed according to the professor’s instructions. Whether or not the student can take the exam may also depend on space and staff availability.



The Writing Center helps students to grow as writers, enhancing the quality of their written work in every discipline. Through one-on-one sessions with  student Writing Consultants, students grow in their understanding of the writing process, develop their ability to apply the process to all their written work, increase their understanding of the conventions of writing, and develop their ability to adhere to standard written English.

The Peer Tutoring program enhances student success in coursework across the curriculum by providing individualized instruction for students who want to further develop their knowledge and skills. Peer Tutors are provided training in student-centered learning approaches that support extended classroom learning and promote academic achievement. Please complete the Peer Tutor request form found on this page, if you would like to request a peer tutor.

Individualized study skills assistance helps students acquire greater understanding of themselves and of the basic skills needed for success in the classroom: time management, goal-setting, effective reading and note-taking, test-taking strategies, and others.