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Lions Vote

Lions Vote Graphic with QR Codes

Democracy Program

At Mount St. Joseph University, we believe it is important for all of our students to participate in the democratic process. We are here to help you register to vote, educate you on the importance of voting, and to get out the vote.

Are you registered to vote?

Ohio voters:

  • To check your voter registration status, go here, and then enter your first name, last name, and county. If no information comes up, you are not registered to vote.
  • If you are not registered to vote, or if you need to update your voter registration information, go here. You will need an Ohio driver's license or Ohio identification card number, name, date of birth, address, and the last 4 digits of your social security number. If you do not have any portion of the required information, follow this link to register to vote using the paper form. After you have completed the form, sign it and send it to your county board of elections.
  • Note that students who live in residence halls for the purpose of school may use their school address as their voting address, provided that they intend to return to their school residence following significant breaks. That said, you must register to vote using a paper form in order to register to vote using your dorm address. After you fill the paper form out, you will need to mail it to your County Board of Elections. Use this template for your address: 5701 Delhi Road Seton Dorm Room XX###, Cincinnati, OH 45233. If you choose to register to vote using your residence hall address, you will need to bring a proof of residency with you when you go to vote. Please email to find out how to get a proof of residency letter.

Kentucky voters:

  • To check your voter registration status, go here, and then enter your first name, last name, and date of birth. If no information comes up, you are not registered to vote.
  • If you are not registered to vote, or if you need to update your voter registration information, go here. You will need a social security number, name, date of birth, address, and gender. If you would prefer to register to vote using a paper voter registration card, download the Voter Registration Application online, fill out the form, and mail it to the State Board of Elections at 140 Walnut St, Frankfort, KY 40601.
  • Note that Kentucky has closed primary elections and not open primary elections. A primary election is a preliminary election to appoint delegates to a party conference or to select the candidates for a principal, especially presidential, election. Since Kentucky has closed primary elections, you must affiliate with a political party in order to be able to vote in their primary elections. If you do not affiliate with a party, you may still vote in general elections, however.

Indiana voters:

  • To check your voter registration status, go here and then click on "Check Your Registration Record" (under "CHECK VOTING STATUS"). You will need your first name, last name, date of birth, and the county of current registration. If no information comes up, you are not registered to vote.
  • If you are not registered to vote, or if you need to update your voter registration information, go here and then click on "Apply Now" (located under "REGISTER TO VOTE"). You will need an Indiana drivers license number or a BMV ID card number, last four of your social security number, name, date of birth, gender, and address. If you would prefer to register to vote using a paper voter registration card, download the Indiana Voter Registration Application online, fill out the form, and mail it to the Indiana Election Division at 302 West Washington Street, Room E204, Indianapolis, IN 46204.

All other voters:

  • To check your voter registration status in other states, go here. Use the drop down box to select your state. you will be directed to the voter registration lookup page for your state.
  • To register to vote in a state other than Ohio, Kentucky, or Indiana, go here to find out how to register to vote in your state.

Do you know where your polling place is located?

Ohio voters:

  • To look up your polling location, go here. and then enter your first name, last name, and county. Click on your name to view your polling location.

Kentucky voters:

  • To look up your polling location, go here, and then enter your first name, last name, and date of birth. After you have submitted that information, your polling location information should appear.

Indiana voters:

  • To look up your polling location, go here, and then click on "Find Your Polling Place" (under "VOTING LOCATION"). You will enter your first name, last name, date of birth, and county of current registration. After you have submitted that information, you polling location information should appear.

All other voters:

  • To look up your polling location in a state other than Ohio, Kentucky, or Indiana, go here.

Are you familiar with your voter identification requirements?

Ohio voters:

  • Those who vote early in person are required to provide the last four digits of their social security number if they lack an Ohio driver’s license or non-driver ID card.
  • Those who vote at the polls on Election Day must show one of the following types of ID:
    • Current and valid photo ID issued by the federal government or the State of Ohio (driver’s licenses and non-driver photo IDs issued by the Ohio BMV are acceptable even if the address does not match the address on the voter’s registration.)
    • Military ID.
    • A copy or original of a current utility bill (including a cell phone bill), bank statement, paycheck, government check or other government document (including those issued by a public college or university) that shows the voter’s name and current address (but not a notice of an election or a voter registration notification sent by a Board of Elections). A utility bill may be a printout of an electronically transmitted statement for services owed, paid, or a regular paper copy. Colleges and universities may issue students living on campus a current utility bill with a current address that students can use as voter ID. A bill indicating that the student has already paid for utilities is acceptable.
  • A voter without ID can cast a provisional ballot but must bring ID to the county board of elections within seven days for their vote to be counted.
  • More information on voter identification in Ohio can be found here.

Kentucky voters:

  • All voters must provide an ID which includes your name and photo, and must be issues by one of the following:
    • US or Commonwealth of Kentucky
    • US Department of Defense, a branch of the uniformed services, the Merchant Marines, or KY National Guard
    • Public or private college, university, or postgraduate technical or professional school located within the US
    • Any government entity located within KY
    • The document must contain the name of the individual to whom the document was issued and a photograph of the individual to whom the document was issued.
  • More information on Kentucky voter identification requirements can be found here.

Indiana voters:

  • All voters must show photo ID. The ID must:
    • Display your photo
    • Display your name, and the name must conform to your voter registration record
    • Display an expiration date and either be current or have expired sometime after the date of the last general election (November 6, 2018)
    • Be issued by Indiana or the U.S. government
  • A student ID from an Indiana state college or university may only be used if it meets all four criteria specified above. A student ID from a private college or university may not be used for voting purposes.
  • If you do not or cannot present compliant ID, you may cast a provisional ballot. Your provisional ballot will only be counted if you provide the required ID or claim an exemption from the law with your County Election Board by noon 10 days after the election.
  • Exemptions are available for indigent people, people with a religious objection to being photographed, and people living in a state-licensed facility that is also their polling place.
  • More information on voter identification in Indiana can be found here.

All other voters:

  • Voters in all other states can look up their identification requirements on VOTE411's website. Scroll down until you get to the "Explore Voting Information by State" section, and then click on your state.

Do you know what will be on your ballot?

Ohio voters:

Kentucky voters:

  • To look up your sample ballot, go here and then find the sample ballot for your county.

Indiana voters:

  • To look up your sample ballot, go here and then click on "WHO'S ON THE BALLOT". You will need to enter your first name, last name, date of birth, and county of current registration. After you submit that information, your sample ballot should appear.

For all other voters:

  • Voters who live in states other than Ohio, Kentucky, or Indiana can go here to look up their sample ballot. Click on "Find What's On Your Ballot" near the top of the page. You will need to enter your street address, city, state, and zip code. After you submit that information, your sample ballot should appear.

Democracy Town Hall

Nonpartisan Voting Guides

Dispels voting myths. Prepared by the Hamilton County BOE. 

(.pdf, 198K)

Voter Registration

Contains instructions on how to register to vote for residents of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and all other states. 

(.pptx, 1088K)

Contains QR codes for voter registration in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and other states. 

(.jpg, 3119K)

Virtual Election Engagement Resources

National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement Reports

Information on student voting at MSJ from the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections. 

(.pdf, 867K)

Shows student voting data for the 2014 and 2018 midterm elections. 

(.pdf, 497K)


Look up voter registration information, register to vote, find sample ballots, information on election laws, and more. 

Can register to vote, update voter registration information, find sample ballots, polling locations, and more. 

Register to vote, update voter registration information, find sample ballots, election results, and more. 

You can use this website to look up how to register to vote in all states. 

Information on elections in Hamilton County. Also has voter lookup tools, sample ballots, and local voting data. 

State guides for student voting and other resources. 

Resources on registering students to vote, educating students on voter issues, and getting out the vote. 

See What's On Your Ballot, Check Your Voter Registration, Find Your Polling Place, Discover Upcoming Debates In Your Area

Be A Poll Worker

Sign up to be a poll worker and help your community run a safe, secure, and accurate election!

By filling out the following form you agree to be contacted by your County Clerk by email or phone.

Poll workers earn up to $150 for their service, depending on the county.

Pay for Precinct Election Officials is $181.50

Pay for Voting Location Deputy is $191.50

Pay for Voting Location Manager is $218.00

Precinct election officials can earn $165.50

Voting location managers can earn $185.00

Folks can use this website to sign up to be a poll worker. You can help make sure we have a safe, fair, efficient election for all voters, and potentially get paid to do it!

Constitution Day