
Look up voter registration information, register to vote, find sample ballots, information on election laws, and more. 

Can register to vote, update voter registration information, find sample ballots, polling locations, and more. 

Register to vote, update voter registration information, find sample ballots, election results, and more. 

You can use this website to look up how to register to vote in all states. 

Information on elections in Hamilton County. Also has voter lookup tools, sample ballots, and local voting data. 

State guides for student voting and other resources. 

Resources on registering students to vote, educating students on voter issues, and getting out the vote. 

See What's On Your Ballot, Check Your Voter Registration, Find Your Polling Place, Discover Upcoming Debates In Your Area

Be A Poll Worker

Sign up to be a poll worker and help your community run a safe, secure, and accurate election!

By filling out the following form you agree to be contacted by your County Clerk by email or phone.

Poll workers earn up to $150 for their service, depending on the county.

Pay for Precinct Election Officials is $181.50

Pay for Voting Location Deputy is $191.50

Pay for Voting Location Manager is $218.00

Precinct election officials can earn $165.50

Voting location managers can earn $185.00

Folks can use this website to sign up to be a poll worker. You can help make sure we have a safe, fair, efficient election for all voters, and potentially get paid to do it!

Constitution Day