Assessment of student learning occurs at the baccalaureate level (assessment of our Core Curriculum), the program level, the course level and within our co-curricular learning programs. The Mount’s assessment plan is administered by a standing committee of ECFA, the academic assessment committee with an elected chair, and overseen by the Academic Assessment Coordinator, in conjunction with institutional research staff and co-curricular staff.
A complementary initiative to assess the effectiveness of programming with the Student Affairs division is overseen by the Dean of Students, Janet Cox. Results are posted in the Student Affairs Assessment Documents page.
Use this map to determine whether your course must produce an assessment artifact.
Rubrics currently in use for assessing general learning outcomes mapped into core courses.
Guiding principles of assessment from AACU.
AACU's recent work to promote liberal arts learning through development and promotion of learning outcomes and rubrics to share.
compilation of assessment resources created by NILOA (the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment).
Educational Testing Service - provides various tests for purchase to use for assessment of student learning.
If interested in comparing the Mount's assessment plans to other institutions, please check out this resource.