
Here is a guidance document for researchers (faculty, staff and students) who want to collect data in the classroom. It also includes guidance for instructors when they want to offer course credit in exchange for research participation.
(.pdf, 164K)
Research with minors involves obtaining both informed consent from parents as well as assent from the children. Here are some guidelines for how to obtain consent/assent in those circumstances.
(.pdf, 203K)
Even if participants are healthy, there are protections that must be in place if the protocol involves them engaging in physically taxing activity.
(.pdf, 107K)
The attached document is by no means exhaustive, but it does provide some guidance on the following circumstances:
  • Research (questionnaires) inquiring about intimate or potentially upsetting issues
  • Procedure to follow when requesting a waiver of informed consent
  • Conducting online surveys
  • Research (questionnaires) inquiring about illegal activities
(.pdf, 123K)

If you are conducting research in an educational setting and using teachers to help you conduct the research, this document provides guidance on when those teachers might be considered investigators by the IRB.  Teachers who are investigators would need to provide proof of ethics training (e.g., PHRP certificate).

(.docx, 16K)